Aging Evolution

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Transformation: Stephanie Guerra Conquers Her Battle

Stephanie had struggled with her weight and body image most of her life. After turning 50, she reached her highest weight.  Like many others, she would start a diet, lose weight and then eventually gain some or most of the weight right back. This pattern in her life continued for seven years.  Finally, at age 58, a significant break thru, Stephanie had lost a total of 30 pounds.  She felt great, had lots of energy and enjoyed the way she looked in her clothes. Fearing that the weight would once again return, Stephanie worked hard to stay active.  She started running half marathons and even took up cardio kick boxing.

Stephanie had lifted weights in her 40’s, but there was no real guidance for woman. Like most women at the time, she was afraid of “getting too big”.  So, at 60 years old, she decided to turn to lifting weights again.  Strength training was not new to her but she was more determined to keep the weight off.  Stephanie didn’t just want to lift weights, she wanted to lift heavy weights and see what the results would be.  After several months she started to see positive changes but still she couldn’t figure out how to keep the weight off for good.  She knew the problem was her diet, she just was consistent and really wasn’t sure what she should be eating or how much.

So, at age 60, Stephanie started working with a coach.  Stephanie confided in her coach her desired to compete in a bodybuilding competition.  Four months later, at age of 61, Stephanie competed in her first bodybuilding event.  She noticed that her self-confidence had increased and felt she had finally conquered her goals.  She had learned how to eat healthy and incorporate a regular exercise regimen.  No more yo-yo dieting. The weight was off for good.

Stephanie is now 65 and continues to compete and has set her goal to compete at the national level and obtain her Pro Card.