Aging Evolution

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Coronavirus? Flu? Protect Yourself With a Strong Immune System

If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, you’ve surely heard about the coronavirus. This new virus is traveling across China and spreading to other parts of the world. The virus has originated from the city of Wuhan, China. It is a respiratory virus that has common signs of infection. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. The coronavirus infection can be deadly.

As the attention increases, many people are wondering what they can do to help protect themselves from the coronavirus. While washing your hands, wearing a mask, and avoiding travel are key precautions, it is also very important to focus on building a strong immune system.

Why Strengthen Your Immune System?

While there’s no vaccine to prevent the virus infection, there are still things you can do to protect yourself. That starts with strengthening your immune system. With a strong immune system you are safer from attacks by all but the most virulent microorganisms. It’s also likely that you would experience fewer colds or viral infections and have a better overall resistance to any infections.

The main goal of your immunes systems is to protect your body from viruses, infections, and bacteria. Your immune system works by understanding the difference between your bodies cells and foreign cells, allowing it to destroy any that could cause your body harm.

How Can I Build My Immune System?

The steps involved to build your immune system are quite simple. The first step is to make sure that you provide your immune system with the nutrients it needs by consuming a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, and taking nutritional supplements. Neglecting to take at least one nutrient can throw off your immune system.

We all know how important Vitamin D is for strong healthy bones, but it has way more benefits. New research reports that appeared in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology shows that insufficient levels of Vitamin D are related to decrease in immune defenses that protect us from infections. Vitamin D decreases during the fall and winter when sunlight is scarce. This explains why many individuals are more prone to getting sick around this time of year.

Vitamin C is the biggest booster of all and lack of it can cause several diseases. You can get Vitamin C from citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, spinach and strawberries. You can also take multivitamin and supplements however, natural intake through food is the best way.

Monolaurin is a chemical made from auric acid and glycerin, and is a byproduct coconut fat. Monolaurin is used for preventing and treating the common cold, flu, shingles and other infections. Many viruses, as well as bad bacteria and parasites are enveloped by a protective membrane made up of fatty lipids. Monolaurin dissolves the organisms protective shield causing them to be easily destroyed by the immune system. Monolaurin is also available as a dietary supplement. You can find Monolaurin supplements at your local health food store or vitamin shop.

On top of taking multvitamin and supplements you must also follow a healthy lifestyle that includes getting enough sleep and engaging in regular exercise program. Working out on daily basis has been scientifically proven to boost the immune system. Regular exercises mobilizes the T cells, a type of white blood cells that guards your body from infection. However, continues rigorous exercise can also weaken the immune system. Thats why its important to give your body the adequate rest it needs to recover.

You can strengthen your immune system with just a few changes to your daily routine. These small steps will reduce the toxins in your body and provide your immune system with the proper nutrients it needs to be strong. A strong immune system can help protect you from getting sick and help you prevent diseases later on in your life.