Aging Evolution

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Collagen for Healthier Younger Looking Skin

In reference to the skin you've already heard the word "collagen" many times. On various product packaging and Advertisements, you might have seen it, promising to be the key to safe and youthful-looking skin. But what exactly is collagen, and what kind of effects can individuals anticipate to see from it as they age?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a natural protein type that makes up more than 80 per cent of the skin of a body. Collagen is a compound made up of long chains of amino acids, just like all other proteins. It sounds super science-y, but if you’ve ever had jello salad at your Grandma’s Thanksgiving table, that’s basically the best way to understand collagen. Gelatin, the main ingredient in jello, forms from cooking and drying collagen. You can imagine that it takes on a similar role in our bodies as it does jello, to provide, our skin especially, with some plumpness and shine. "Collagen consumption can increase skin elasticity and help your body’s skin repair process, thus encouraging your body to form new collagen," Dr. Jaliman tells us. She points out that collagen drinks and powders have been shown to have antioxidant properties, and antioxidants protect skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells.It is what gives essential power to the tissues and organs, with the elastin supplying the stretching capabilities. It is a very significant fundamental protein, found all through the body, including the muscle.  It also plays a role in strengthening the blood vessels. However, maintaining the collagen in the skin is essential to having healthy and youthful good looks.

What does Collagen do?

Besides just giving us radiant skin and silky smooth hair, hydrolyzed collagen (the broken down and more easily digestible form) has some serious health advantages, such as acting as an anti-inflammatory, improving in digestion, or maybe even a joint pain — to name but a few. So how do you leverage these health benefits? It's all about recognizing what lifestyle choices are benefiting you versus damaging you. Things like age, too much sun, too much weight, and in reality drugs or alcohol suppress some natural production of collagen in your body. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, staying hydrated and decreasing stress, on the other hand, will only increase the production of collagen.

Where Can I Find It?

When it comes to age there's nothing we can do to combat that, that's why having a handle on the things we can control is so important. Consuming a diet rich in the components of collagen is a must, but it's up to you how you go about that. The easiest way to boost the collagen naturally is to eat high-vitamin C foods and antioxidants like brightly colored fruits and vegetables.  Finally, supplemental collagen is always an option. Powdered collagen supplements can be easily added to smoothies or soups to potentially give you that extra boost of collagen. When searching for collagen supplements, organic and grass-fed animals are recommended. Here are some popular options for you to take a look at.

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What lifestyle choices do you currently make in your life that support collagen production? What could you do better? We’d love to hear from you! Share with us on our member exclusive VIP Lounge.